Apr 30, 2014 11:54
Last night Bill and I went to see the Notorious Mrs Ebssmith. It had been recommended by Katy Manning on Twitter. I went to look at the details of the play and saw that it was written in 1895 then never performed again, and was all about a "unconventional scandalous relationship" which sounded right up my street. It was just wonderful! First off despite being 100 years off it totally put "once" to shame. There were speeches directly about how a woman's life should be more than just helping her husband's career. How inspiring a man shouldn't be the lot of what a woman does. There were all kinds of issues about work, sexuality, the nature of marriage, how men and women relate, female friendship, the struggles of the working class. It was everything I love about literature from that period condensed into just around 2 hours of witty characters incredibly well acted on a tiny stage. It was just wonderful! So many of the issues it raised are still true today and while society has changed the characters still seemed really true to life. I just adored it.