Another one, yes.

Jan 01, 2007 23:47

High School? Basic(ally shit). Lolz, see what I did there?
Favorite soda? Wild Cherry Pepsi.
Favorite band? Jack Off Jill and Scarling. for sentimental reasons.
Favorite animal? Ever since first grade, cats.
Favorite weather? Rain.

Do You

Like someone? Don't tell anyone.. but I have a huge crush on my boyfriend!
Want more piercings? I don't think so, maybe another on my ear in the future.
Want a tattoo? I really don't think so. I know I'd get tired of whatever I got.


Person talked to in person? Jeff.
Person talked to on the phone? My mommy.
Person you hung out with? Jeff.
Last movie watched? Rocky II.
Last Movie Saw In theater? Night At The Museum and The Good Sheppard. Both movies were good.

Have you

Ever cried over a girl or boy? Yes.
Ever been arrested? Nope, I'm a good girl. :P
Ever had a friend die? Not a close friend, but yes I have.
Ever used a gun? No, and hopefully I won't ever have to.
Ever finished a puzzle? A few. I used to do Disney ones with my mom when I was little.
Ever hated someone? Yes. In all reality I've only truly hated one person.
Blue or red? Depends on my mood, but blue.
Spring or Fall? Fall.

Random stuff

Criminal record? None.

Do you have any pets? In Vegas I have three cats and one dog.


Level 1
Been fired? Nope!

Level 2
Ever Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Of course.

Level 3
Skipped school? Yeah, a few times.

Slept with a co-worker? Haha, uh no.

Level 4
Been to Canada? Nope, I'd like to.
Been to Mexico? No.
Been on a plane? Yes.

Level 5
Eaten Sushi? No, but I'd like to try some.
Been surfing? Nope.

Level 6
Taken painkillers? Yes, lately I take Ibuprofen almost daily.
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? I'm not sure if I've actually done that.
Made a snow angel? No, but since I'm living in Reno I hope I will soon. :)

Level 7
Had a tea party? Haha, when I was little.
Flown a kite? When I was young. Man, I miss being young.
Built a sand castle? I tried when I was little, didn't end up really making one.
Gone puddle jumping? Yep.
Played dress up? Of course!

Level 8
Jumped into a pile of leaves? Yep!!
Gone sledding? Nope. :(
Cheated while playing a game? I'm sure I did when I was little.
Been lonely? Of course.
Fallen asleep at school? Only a few times.

Level 9
Used a fake ID? I don't have one.
Watched the sun set? Yeah.
Felt an earthquake? I don't think so.
Touched a snake? Yeah.

Level 10
Been tickled? Yes... everyday by Jeff! Lmao. NOOOOO.
Been robbed/vandalized/had anything stolen from you? Nothing serious.

Level 11
Won a contest? I don't think so.
Suspended/expelled from school? Nope.
Had detention? I've had it once. In 7th grade I forgot my sheet music for Orchestra so she gave me detention.
Been in a motorcycle accident? No, thankfully.

Level 12
Had braces? Yes! Now I wear a stupid retainer.
Had deja vu? You know, I don't actually feel them or note them, but I'm sure I have.

Level 13
Hated the way you looked? Yep.
Witnessed a crime? I don't think so.
Questioned your heart? Yes.

Level 14
Barefoot through the mud? Yep.
Been lost? Yes. It was fun, my friend Jamey's parents used to take us dirt bike riding, and Jamey and I would wonder aimlessly through the desert to have "adventures." One time we got pretty lost and her parents found us and took us back on their dirt bikes.
Been to the opposite side of the country? Nope.
Swam in the ocean? Yep! :D
Felt like you were dying? Eh, kinda.

Level 15
Cried yourself to sleep? A few times, eh.
Played cops and robbers? Yep!
Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers? Yep. Visual Foundations, lol.
Sang karaoke? Nope. I haven't done that since I was like 5. I hate it.
Paid for something with only coins? Haha, once I paid to get into a movie with only coins.

Level 16
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes.
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? I came close, it sucks.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? No.

Level 17
Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yep!
Been kissed under a mistletoe? Nope. *Adds that to my to-do list*
Looked up at the stars with someone you cared about? Yes, with my boyfriend Jeff. We've named two starts blinky and brighty.
Blown bubbles? Yes. :)
Made a bonfire on the beach? No, that sounds fun though.

Level 18
Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people? Nope.
Gone rollerskating/blading? Yep.
Had a wish come true? Yeah.

Level 19
Worn pearls? Yes. I wear fake ones all the time, but I've worn my mom's real ones.
Jumped off a bridge? No..
Ate dog food? No.
Told a complete stranger you loved them? No.

Level 20
Sang in the shower? Yeah. :)
Glued your hand to something? One time I glued my hang to itself with fake nail glue, lol.

Level 21
Got your tongue stuck to a pole? Nope, but I've got it stuck on popsicles a few times. :P
Kissed a fish? No. o.O;
Worn the opposite sex's clothes? Yep.
Sat on a roof top? No, I'd like to.

Level 22
Screamed at the top of your lungs? Yes.
Done a one-handed cartwheel? I can't even do two- handed cartwheels.
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours? Yes.
Stayed up all night? Yeah. Aha.

Level 23
Climbed a tree? I used to climb the big maple tree at my house in Vegas. I haven't recently though.
Had a tree house? Nope. :/

Level 24
Worn a really ugly outfit to school? Oooh yeah.

Level 25
Played chicken? Yeah, but not really.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Nope.
Broken a bone? No. *Knock on wood*
Been easily amused? Always. Lol.
Caught a butterfly? I think I did once when I was really young, but I can't remember.
Laughed so hard you cried? Yeah, ahah.

Level 27
Cheated on a test? Yeah. Eh.
Forgotten someone's name? Yep.
Forgotten what someone looked like? Yeah.
Roller coaster? I'll go on them.
Had a cavity? Ugh yes.
Been black-mailed? Sort of.. not seriously. Eh.
Been used? I'm sure I have.
Fell going up or down the stairs? No.. but I go to college at a place with stairs everywhere.
What are you wearing on your feet? Just my feet!!
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts? Jeans.
Where is your favorite place to be? With Jeff.
Where is your phone? To my right, by my knee.
Where do you sleep? At Jeff's I sleep on this bed we've made on the floor. It's pretty comfortable. In Reno I have a XL twin bed, and in Vegas I have a twin bed.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now? A maroon one.


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