- August 13th is the VERY FIRST EVER ROTTEN GROTON hash. It will be Newport’s OFFICIAL HASH THIS WEEKEND. That being the case, let the list know if you want to carpool down there. Red and I are planning to go, and we’ll have at least 2-3 seats available, more if anyone wants to try out the roof rack. It’ll start at 4pm at 135 Ledgewood Road in Groton, CT 06340. Let’s go give Pecker Checker some support (yay, support!) as she clenches and pushes life into a brand spankin’ new hash!
- Hash Olimpdicks are coming up. If you see Mary Kay or Nippy around, encourage them not to break themselves until AFTER they’ve set trail.
- Working on some new haberdashery, so check the Yahoo! Group website “Photos” section for stuff I’ve been thinking about putting on t-shirts. Nothing but good comments so far; let me (Sackless) know what you think! We are also clearing out the old haberdashery and there isn't much left. Let me know if you want some, or talk to me at the hash.
- Those of you who know Meat Tornado should know he’s going to be putting on anchors soon. Meat has selected for Chief Petty Officer (which was his excuse for not setting his trail a couple of weeks ago), so wish his good luck and congratulations!
- We could use a few good (or shitty) hares for the summer/fall, wankers. E-mail me and let me know which day you’d like to set trail!
- Avast! September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day and we’ll be havin’ the International Talk Like A Pirate Day Hash on Sunday, September 18th. It won’t be more than a league or two, there’ll be plenty o’ grog and vittles crawlin’ out o’ the bunghole and ye’ll be wantin’ to dress the part so’s we kin strike fear into the hearts of the landlubbers. For more info, ye could do worse than look at these links:, Thar be some more links on those pages, but there’s just 37 days left, so step smartly, matey!
Future Tortures:
Aug 13: Rotten Groton H3 #1
Sep 11: Newport Hash Olimpdicks
Sep 18: International Talk Like A Pirate Day Hash
Hash Trash for #810: Periodic and Diddler’s Pre-Nup Hash
So the announcements sort of got out of control. It’s been a while since I’ve written hash trash, because, honestly, I’m just as lazy as the rest of you. Sometimes I get motivated to do stuff, but lately, I have been mostly sitting in one place trying not to sweat. I despise humidity, and now I’m moving to Florida next year... won’t that be fun?
Heckuva turnout for Periodic and Diddler’s Pre-Nup Hash this weekend, most of whom, I didn’t know, but we sure hope to see them around again. My sister, Just Rachel was in town, as well as most of our Newport regulars and a few irregulars (Tangent: Colon Irrigation would make an interesting hash name, wouldn’t it? Cuffy: “Chocolate Starfish! CHOCOLATE STARFISH!!”). It was good to see Peep Ho and Just Mike again, and Beaver, Just Melissa(?) and Stone Age finally made an appearance (Yay!).
That reminds me that I have this great picture of Beaver and Stone Age on Bowen’s Wharf in red dresses, with Beaver dry-humping that big anchor. I thought that would make a great poster for advertising the hash. Put it up in bars and on telephone poles and such...
The Hash started out at the Best Western near First Beach. Interestingly, that was pretty much the last time we saw Good Pie Hunting until the on-in. The trail was a little hard to follow, but much easier if you didn’t bother following it at all. Starting at that little corner of Middletown necessitated a jaunt across the dike (huh-huh) between the reservoirs into the twilight zone of Newport. I don’t know what it is about that neighborhood, but every hash set through that area between the reservoir and Bellevue/Kay seems longer and stupider than absolutely necessary. I saw basically no trail the whole way to Griswold’s.
At Griswold’s, there was plenty of swill to go around and an attempt to get folks singing and rouse a bit of jocularity. Alas, many of the new folks were mighty horrified by “Jesus Can’t Go Hashing” or whatever you call that song. Cuffy and I and a few others made a good attempt, but Cuffy is convinced he’s going to hell now. It’s OK, because we’re all going with him.
Ah, my favorite part of hashing Newport came next: frightening the tourists. I loves me some shiggy, but running through downtown when it’s packed with sunburned New Yorkers carrying cameras and maps can’t be beat. The trail led to the Tropical, a classic hash bar with a very tolerant crowd. We decided to just chat here, some halfminds still bearing the emotional scars from people yelling at us to shut up while we were singing every song the RIH3 knew with Fuwangi Boner during the NERD pub crawl.
Although the happy couple was planning to torture the pack further, they decided to call it quits at Jimmy’s, where there was no pizza to be had. The circle was insane; Miss Gay Rhode Island will have to start practicing that home with RIPTA’s cats. I was disappointed that Cuffy and I were the ONLY ONES who knew how to do a Chinese fire drill. After the circle pretty much everybody cleared out for the wedding rehearsal dinner extravaganza. I assume the wedding went fine, since there has been nothing on the Drudge Report about a runaway bride. Then we all had ice cream. Now that’s what I call a sticky situation!
Congrats to Periodic and Diddler and good luck to Leah, their favorite third wheel!
Sackless Suction