Jul 02, 2011 06:25
He opened the door and burst through sure he had finally found the source of the clues only to find an empty room. The literal dead end he reached doubled as a figurative one to his investigation.
"How could this be right?" he thought, "All the clues lead here."
He looked down at the silver ring he had taken out of his pocket. It was still damp and cold from the pile of snow he found it in. He turned back around slipping the ring back into his jacket and closed the thin metal door behind him. What would he tell Baxter? He knew he was waiting to rub his defeat in his face.
"So you really got it all out of there? I never thought you'd be able to do it that fast." a voice from across the hall said.
He looked up, a gray haired man in a checkered sweater appeared. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were one'a the ones from earlier."
Suddenly it all clicked. He wasn't at the wrong place at all, he was just late.
"Who?! Where did they go?!" he burst out, unable to compose himself with the unraveling of this realization in his head.
"I imagine someplace warm the way they were dressed in this weather. They were sweating before they even opened the door. Course they were a hefty bunch."
He was out the door before he had realized he hadn't even thanked the gray haired man for his new lead, but there wasn't time for that now. They knew he was coming, and that meant they were scared, and he was getting close.