(no subject)

Dec 01, 2006 20:28

the new themed trailer for The next eve online expansion is here
yes boys and girls that means shit mor enoobs with betetr things
thus more PvP players and by the look of those new ships out there
more tanking
in eve news apprently some jump gates to a previosuly unexplored region opened,
concord sent warnings then was force to clsoe the gates manually after several drons in the affected regiosn wnet beserk and kills thousands......


the url for the revelations vid is here: http://ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/video/2/RevelationsTrailer.wmv

as the eve news says crank up volume put on full screen and drool.

I was looking at the new big square ships and thinking wtf? in the concept but ig it seems pretty cool.

-thumbs up-
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