Private [Yet hackable!]

Sep 10, 2007 07:12

I am increasingly disturbed by the humans and their attempts to kidnap or destroy us. It is becoming harder to rationalize why I must protect them. I know it would be wrong to destroy them. My processors are working overtime trying to figure out what we can do. But then, my Spark aches for vengeance. It is a strange feeling...I have rarely felt this. But, Primus help me, I want them to die. I want them to suffer for what they've done. I want them to pay for all of the suffering they've inflicted on us.

And this feeling scares me. I am a medic. A doctor. Why should I want other beings to suffer? not sure of my choices anymore. We nearly lost Jazz trying to protect this species and this is how they repay us? By attacking us? Do they even deserve protection anymore? They are so afraid, so hateful towards anything and everything alien. I have studied their history. They constantly attack all that is different from themselves. They hate, they hurt, they build atom bombs to smash another country half-way around the world.

Why do they deserve protection? Why am I questioning everything I thought I held dear? What is happening to me? I talked to Runabout today. I reassured him, yet I am feeling many of the same doubts and hatred he is. What do I do? Who is there to help me?

Someone, help me...

what do i do, confusion, hatred, anger

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