Texas Gun Supporters Laud as Hero Neighbor Who Killed Intruders By Edward Klump, Last Updated: January 16, 2008 01:05 EST
Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Quiet streets in the Houston suburb of Pasadena filled with hundreds of gun supporters and civil- rights activists after homeowner Joe Horn shot two men who broke into his neighbor's house.
``Move, you're dead!'' Horn is heard shouting to the men on the tape of his call to a 911 operator. The warning is followed by the sound of shotgun blasts that killed both intruders. [...]
This is more liberal tripe. The third paragraph is clear in that Mr. Klump somehow thinks that registering a weapon, something that ONLY LAW ABIDING CITIZENS DO, will curb gun violence. How naive is this guy?
If a neighbor killed a couple of intruders in my home, I'd be buying that neighbor free beer for the rest of their life. A neighbor willing to defend my property is a neighbor I want to have.
Note that only those protesting this PERFECTLY LEGAL use of deadly force are socialist progressives with an axe to grind: the New Black Panther Nation.
Isn't Bloomberg supposed to be financial news? I think they should stick to that. They clearly don't have a clue on other issues.