Don't Know What To Do.. :s

May 05, 2009 19:00

Sorry I didn't post again yesterday, but I had a really bad headache and decided to go to bed at like, eight! so I'm posting it now. So. My friend MX2 told me that this guy, BEZ, likes me. Apparently, he "likes me a lot". And for a while too. He asked MX2 on Friday for my MSN and then started talking to me every time I was online, and on facebook too. Then, yesterday, MX2 told me that he told her that he "really likes me a lot since that career day thing in March, and that he thinks I'm really pretty, funny, and smart" along with a few other things I can't remember. I was like, okaaay. I've only talked to him like once before. But now that I think of it, I did talk to him at that career day thing, but that was really only cause we sat at the same table. (At first, we got to sit wherever we wanted to, but after a while the speaker moved us around).

On MSN just about 10 minutes ago, he told me that he likes me. I wasn't really sure what to say cause I've never really been in this kind of situation before. I've only have one boyfriend before, and I was the one who liked him first. I got MX1 and BERT to ask him to the school dance for me, and he said yes. We hung out all night, and the next day he asked me out. I've had a few other guys like me before, but they've never really come out and said it before, not like BEZ has. I'm not really sure what to do cause I still like J, but at this point I still have no clue if he likes me, plus my friends still don't know that I like him.

Well, here's the conversation that BEZ and I had just a few minutes ago, typos and all.

BEZ: i have something to tell you and i wanted to tell you 4 awahile but i was to nervous and shy and that is i really like you robyn like alot actually
ME: yeah, i already knew this. morgan c told me yesterday.
BEZ: oh ya ic
ME: yeah, but you don't have to be nervous or anything. lol
BEZ: ya well im a really nervous and shy person
ME: haha, i can be shy too,.
BEZ: ya
ME!: question for yah,
BEZ: ok sure
ME: how long have you liked me for ?
BEZ: like 2 months now
ME: oh, really?
BEZ: ya
ME : why do yah like me (you dont have to answer if you dont want to)
BEZ: i like yah cause ur smart and you have a great since of humor and a great personality and ur really pretty and i like everything bout you
ME: wow, thanks (blushie face)
BEZ: no problem
ME: lol i like, barley know you though
BEZ: i know thats what sucks boiut the whole thing
ME: yeah, that's true.
BEZ: ya

*subject change*


BEZ: ya if you ant to and only if yo want would you like to get to know each other sorry for askin im not good at this kinda stuff
ME: haha, that's ok. getting to know you would be cool

Then he had to leave.

I really don't know what to do. I tried to be nice and stuff, but, like I said, I barley know him. And he's not the best looking guy ever, but I wouldn't not go out with him just 'cuz of appearances. That's mean. He seems nice enough, though. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOO!!!! All of my friends think I should give him a chance, MX2 is practically trying to force me to like him. What do you guys think? Any help will be appreciated!!!

I'm gonna go now, but before I go, a book recommendation. "Willow" by Julia Hoban. I'm not quite done it yet, but so far it is really good/sad! Here's the summary for it:

"Seven months ago on a rainy March night, Willow's parents drank too much wine at dinner and asked her to drive them home. But they never made it - Willow lost control of the car, and both of her parents were killed.
Now seventeen, Willow is living with her older brother, who can barley speak to her. She has left behind her old home, friends, and school. But Willow has found a way to survive, to numb the new reality of her life: She is secretly cutting herself.
And then she meets Guy, a boy as sensitive and complicated as she is. When Guy discovers Willow's secret, he pulls her out of the solitary world she's created for herself, and into a difficult, intense, and potentially life-changing relationship."

It's a really great book, and I hope you'll like it too. If you decide to read it, that is.



book recommendations, books, omg!, boys

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