Some screaming, a almost fist fight, cops, and a gun.

Sep 15, 2009 16:17

The screaming/ Almost fist fight- My friend KW and PIE screaming at each other. PIE has been accusing KW of stealing her stuff (it started with PIE's thongs, apparently, and now KW has apparently stolen more things). So PIE comes up to me, KW, and a few of our other friends were hanging out at lunchtime,  and starts screaming at KW. KW's just like "WTF?!?! I never stole your shit!"Here's how the rest of it goes. (The wording isn't correct, but it's pretty much how it goes). *Warning. Language not spared*.

PIE - (screams some more about KW "stealing" her stuff.)

KW - Just get outta my face.

PIE - Wanna fight, bitch?

KW - Sure.

PIE - Well, go ahead. Punch me.

KW - I'm not gonna punch you. You punch me first.

PIE - Just punch me, bitch.

Meanwhile, I was sitting on the floor with another friend, stuck between him and KW, who was standing up. Our other friend was standing off to the side, while PIE's friend was standing behind her. After a while of the "You punch me" "No, you punch me!" 's our friend JMAC came to the rescue and shoved PIE away.

End of fight. Well, after that, when PIE walked by again, there was some name calling being screamed at each other. I'm actually really surprised that a teacher didn't show up, trying to figure out what was going on. Especially since, about 2 minutes later, someone broke one of the lights right next to us, and three teachers came running. ;p

Now for the cops/gun story.

There was this big fight yesterday, resulting in a couple kids ending up in the hospital with non serious injuries. One of the guys who was in the hospital (Let's call him AP) was supposed to come back to school at lunch today, and this other guy, JP, was saying that he was gonna bring a gun to school at lunch and "shoot AP in the head". Never happened because the cops were at our school pretty much all day, driving around. Guess they must have heard something about it. Someone said that JP showed up at school (not sure if he had the gun with him or not) but then left when he saw the cops. I'm not sure if that's true or not, cause I never saw him. That someone also said that he was gonna come to school when the bell rang to go home, but he never showed. I'm not sure if that was cause the cops were still there, or if it was cause AP never did come to school.

So, yeah, interesting day, right? ;p



fights, friends, schiool, cops

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