Heey! Kinda tired here, so I'm gonna be quick about this. I was planning on coming on here earlier and giving you all the details about my day today, but my sister wanted homework help. She has to find a song with "meaning" for PDR class then present it or whatever. I donno really, I wasn't paying much attention. (She didn't even manage to pick out a song ! Grr.)
Anyway, just a quick summary about my day. Today we went to the local hospital for the P.A.R.T.Y. program. It stands for um, well, I can't actually remember. LOL. It's got something to do with drunk driving, and victims of drunk driving, ect. There were only eight of us going today (they split our class into three groups, one group went today, one will go on Thursday, and the last group will go next Tuesday.) For the first half of the morning we were being shy and didn't talk much. They showed us a movie and a slideshow (one of the girls almost fainted! But she was ok, she just needed to sit down for a minute. I think it was the fact that they were showing actual people who were all burned up and stuff from car accidents that really got to her). After all of that we went back to the little room we were staying in and played a game. Then we went upstairs to what they called the "recess room". It was an actual room where someone would stay if they were injured. Our chaperon person was showing us how some of the things worked and everything, when, suddenly, the paramedics came rushing in with a girl on a board who was all bloody and burned. They shoved us into a corner and put the girl on the bed and were telling everyone what had happened to the girl. She was a sixteen year old girl who was at a bonfire party, and someone tossed a bottle with alcohol in it into the fire. It exploded.
At first, we all thought it was real. She looked so real. All the girls in the group (me included) had to turn our heads. But evenutaly we caught on. If it was real, wouldn't they have kicked us out of the room...? It was all fake!
After we realized this, they let us come up closer and see her. Up close, we realized that it was all just makeup. She was actually a girl we knew! (You know pretty much everyone around here. Remember? Small community?) But they did tell us that this was an based on something that had actually happened before. They told us not to tell anyone about it, so it wouldn't ruin the surprise for the next groups.
After that, we had lunch. Well, we tried to have lunch. They decided to show us just how hard it was to function being paralyzed, blind, ect. I got lucky, and only had one arm (my left) paralyzed, but there was a guy in my class who was blind and had one arm paralized. He had many difficulties. Another guy who was sitting beside him "helped" him. But it really ment that he put pepper on his food instead of salt, stole his juice box, put pepper on his rice krispie square, and ketchup on his face. It was pretty funny. I had many difficulties opening my juice box (the straw part). After that a doctor came into talk to us, and then another guy came and talked to us about saying "no" to drugs, and about all the different types, ect. Then after one more movie, about a three month old baby who was killed in a car accident and the father who missed the funeral because he was in a coma for, I think, three weeks. The mother/wife took pictures of the little girl so she could show her husband later. She, obviously, ended up sending those pictures to the people who made the movie. And the really bad part was that the guy who caused the accident only got four years in jail, then, like three months after he was released, caused another accident while driving impaired.
The whole day was really eye-opening, and I know I'll definitley think twice before drinking and driving, or even just getting into a car with someone who has been drinking.
I hope that maybe I've passed the message on to you, because it really is an important message. (I hope I don't sound like I'm preaching here!)
Oh, and just one more thing.
trialbymagic , yes I am, just slightly, advertising the Maximum Ride books, and I will most likely be advertising many more books on here. I am, as my friends would say, obsessed. Bookworm works, too.
(Oh, and I haven't read the fifth book yet, either. I'm waiting to get it from the library, or for my birthday, whichever is faster. Which would probaly be my birthday, seeing as MAX is high on demand, and my birthday is barley a week away).
Anyways, I'm realllyyy sleepy now, so I'm gonna sign out.
Tootles ! ;p (I just had to say that!)