May 19, 2008 16:40
(4:29:31 PM) Jay: The Mandarin?
(4:29:48 PM) Clayton: goooooogle it
(4:29:59 PM) Jay: nooooooo you tell me!
(4:30:09 PM) Clayton: fine, asian dude with ten rings
(4:30:32 PM) Clayton: each ring has a power, heat gravity, black (?), light etc
(4:30:46 PM) Clayton: And they are all super duper magic, no way to defend against them
(4:31:17 PM) Clayton: cuz WTF, how does a ring create heat, and what the hell is the heat composed of? and why does it do what he wants?
(4:31:32 PM) Clayton: So iron man is like "Psssh, i hates magic, Yo!"
(4:31:38 PM) Jay: what ring dude in the desert?
(4:32:48 PM) Clayton: The bad guy from the movie, the guy that kidnapped tony stark, and kept stroking his rings
(4:32:21 PM) Clayton: and Mandarin is like "Im a bad asian stereotype with my long fingernails and pai-mai facial hair, magic FTW!"
(4:33:15 PM) Jay: I just saw it yesterday--he really didn't have any rings
(4:33:24 PM) Jay: and he got pwned by like... everybody
(4:33:36 PM) Clayton: he had 4 rings
(4:33:43 PM) Clayton: and yes, he had no powers
(4:33:54 PM) Clayton: so i see it happening like this:'
(4:34:05 PM) Clayton: "Aww yo, im dead and stuff!"
(4:37:40 PM) Clayton: "Dude from the first movie, I am the plot device god, that ring that you had, it was like totally magic. And guess what! I will bring you back to life and stuff, also find the other 9 magic rings"
(4:38:20 PM) Clayton: "Aww yeah, im gonna turn Tony Stark into a frog, then make soup! Thats what magic people do right? Disable people and then eat them?"
(4:38:49 PM) Clayton: "That ring doesnt exist yet, just mess with him untill he beats you"
(4:38:52 PM) Clayton: "Dag yo"
(4:38:56 PM) Clayton: Credits