More On This Morning

May 23, 2004 23:17

When we went exploring we actually got to watch one of the three cars stall out at the end of Hillcliff. This skinny Black "woman" was driving (or so we thought). As we walked closer all you could hear is this high pitched voice cring can someone help me. For those of you who drove by this is the white Neon. To help you picture this my dad walked toward the car talking to the "woman" with his little waiter boots was about 12 feet from the car and stoped becauce it was about to go over the top. Mind you this car ins't on the road it's on the grass about 1 foot above the road. This "woman" is going if I get out can you help me push me car. My Dad then tells her you aren't on the road you're in the ditch I can't help you. This "woman" crys "this can't be happening, this only happens in then movies, shut up, shut up, shut up". Yes I was laughing sorry I couldn't help it. The Woman now realizes water is coming in her car and clims out her window onto the top of her car. (This is where we find out she is wearing shank top and a skirt that barely covers her butt, and hooker boots) She comes flying off the hood of her car screaming this is sick, this is sick. (This is where we find out she is not wearing underwear, and she is not a she, ugh) She slips off the hood of the car into the lake. At that he got up and went into a trailer not to be seen again. Later on today we found out by a neighbor that he takes medication to make his voice high, and the boobs were real. And the rest is soon to come. You don't need to know the rest of the details. I NEED TO MOVE. PEOPLE ARE SICK
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