Jun 27, 2007 08:14
I've been feeling really good about going back to the dojo since neck badness.
To top it all off, I've been graded again, to 2nd Kyu brown belt.
Being away from training for so long looks like it may have improved something, as opposed to undoing all previous training. Both sensei's are commenting on my good form, calling me up for demonstration more often. My movements feel less hindered by human baggage. I stopped rolling like a dice last night, and more like a ball, which was nice.
Now all I need to do is learn the Japanese names for all of these techniques :p
P.S. Yesterday, we were shown the a double-foot-drop-kick, ninja style! Looked similar to the start of the Orc in-fighting scene in Minas Morgul from Return of the King, only more front-on. Saawwweeeeeeet.
dances with ninjas