Dec 26, 2005 18:51
Sigh jesus i never thought ifind my self writing my journal online and i guess i dunno finally need to wtite shit down for once. sigh the thing is that my girlfriend katie is always busting my balls over the little shit and it agrivates me. and it not like i lie for long i tell real quick. sigh i dunno i mean i love her u know but hse always got her finger on me u know what i mean its stressful thtas why im here. i mean i pay off a phone bill u kno and i get shit for evryone that i have to get shit for for christmas and i even make her less stressed and handle my family for her i dont understand even though i did that and with added stress from the day i find time to keep myself pleasent even thogh im in a very very crappy mood bc its cristmas and i love her she makes me happy when she smiles it lites my lamp. sigh but and i do mean but yellijng at me on christmas hurts , hurts real bad she telling me final straw like what have i done to even have straws yuo know. its like mono the diesease he has is the ultimate excuse to be nasty And over emotional when she slams the doos in my face hits i can take it u know i have patience but yell at me on christmas sigh it huurts she dont care she dont give me no heart felt apologee and i emiphisize on heart FELT for those who are reading. i love her so much u know its just this god dammed diesease is getting to me and her i wish it nevr came fuckin shit i was so happy befor it came no yeeling no stupid bullshit and thtas the truth no grumbly bear when she's sleepy u know . she dosen't understand how much it hurts when she says shit to me she really dosen't. Buut i love her more than anything and i know i KNOW that we ill be happier when this dammed diesease goes away. i wanna marry her i hope she reaizes what she put me through. i love my pooka bear through sickness and in health . and she knows al of this and tells me o aviod er when she gets like tha keep convo's short dont look for i love u to or jelly or pooka bear ur telling me that mono is gonna sstop some one from saying i love u too. thats what hurts i wish she would just get better she gets so bitter some times she says anything she feels lke e gives mono as an excuse. and thats why idiot who read all this crap is why im here if i dont get this out imma gunna explode. thi is healthy for me u kno i mean i actually been lieing ive been fighting off sickness for weeks not telling anyone y bc i want to give katie sssstrength by showig my strength but my staminia is running low i need something to help me, god is the anwser i must pray to be strong in this hard time thta me and katie are going through. even though me and the man upstairs have a wierd relationship he always blesses me he gave me her. cuz why cuz i love her and I NOT GIVING UP 8 month 8 years ans so on for ever and ever. im not a quitter. I LOVE U KATIE CONTI !!! SHE IS MY ONLY ONE AND MY LAST ONE U HERE. WERE GUNNA GROW OLD together.