blah blah blah cyber monday.

Nov 29, 2010 04:09

Ummm it's four in the morning and I'm antsy and itchy to do something. I spent all night looking at tumblrs and blogs and digging around cutesy LiveJournal communities. I'm so internet-shy! I uhhh just made another LJ account to use for communities (maybe).. I feel strange commenting around with a journal full of goofball blah-blah-blah entries, ha ha. I could just make everything private too sooo whatever. Ummm.

I also combed through communities like pixelpeach and want to use bundles of obnoxious pixels everywhere. The tumblrs I dug through were similarly sugar-pink-sweet. I should embrace myself and admit I have ridiculous tastes here and there. I want to watch a bunch of Sailor Moon, ah ha ha.

Buuut I also should be on top of studying still! JLPT is neeext weeeek (!!! D: !!!) and I need to get cracking on Gibbs' reading list! Also already failing at my goal of watching a film every other night, hrmph.

Well, I guess I'm not? I finally saw Inception the other night and Harry Potter tonight (!!!!!!! AAKFJELK) soooo. Also hibernated at Yuta's place for like two days and we managed to finish Zettai Kareshi and most of season one of Fringe.

Yeah yeah yeah I love breaaak but I should be productive. And not, like, internet-productive. But ahhh I want to gobble up all the deliciously cute things I keep finding. Why am I not a teenager anymore. >:c

whine whine.

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