HEEWON IS BACK IN HIRAKATA! Sooo happy! Waiting for her to come meet me now so we can go get lunch together~~
I feel surprisingly perky about meeting new people, and the vibe of orientation week makes it easy to just jump into a conversation around campus, ha ha. The other night, a girl named Hanna who I talked to maybe just once last semester was trying to find a group of people to go out for dinner, and I was the only one who accepted her invitation, and we had such a ridiculous time! Two other of our friends joined us, one a friend of mine (Carlos) and the other being a classmate from my justice course last semester (Brian) and ha ha. Hanna is fun because she's pretty brave about saying hi to people around us, and managed to get another table of 20-something Japanese salarymen and some other guys to like, join our group and we all had an awesome time drinking beer together until 2 am, ha ha ha. I crashed at Hanna's apartment and apparently Carlos and Brian went out to karaoke with some of the Japanese guys ha ha ha ha. Definitely a tremendously ridiculous way to start the week.
Last night, HEEWON CAME BACK and Carlos and I tried to round up a bunch of people to go out to Kappa Sushi, which is a 100-yen-a-plate conveyer belt sushi diner ha ha. Unfortunately, things got a little confusing because a), we had a ton of people coming to the restaurant and b) I lagged behind to find Heewon, and then she and I got a little lost ha ha. So everyone had to sit seperately, with me and Heewon at our own table but it worked out so well because we just wanted to catch up!
Also, we ate a destructive amount of sushi:
And paid like $10 bucks each, ha ha. Granted, it's not the best sushi but still! Wahhh~~
I like being busy, busy, busy, and am glad that by living with the same host family this semester, I don't have to test the waters to see my limits regarding curfew, so I can keep up being busy! But I really need to also sit down and study soon.. One of the courses I'm hoping to take this semester is a literature course, and although I'm afraid that having to read a lot in English might bug the shit out of me, maybe it'll be good motivation to try and pick up the same books in Japanese. Something like that, ha ha.
But until classes, whatever! I want more all-night adventures! And apparently tonight might entail clubbing in Kyoto, so wish granted.