Hulu has outdone itself by putting up the
entire first season of He-Man. It's even better than I remember. The voiceacting and writing are truly majestic-simultaneously completely sincere and completely lazy; new and extremely creative characters appear out of nowhere thanks to the fact that the show was designed for the sole purpose of selling Mattel's latest toys for the franchise. You can almost hear the constant battle of wits between corporate headquarters and the fun-loving, acid-flashback-having writers and animators.
It made me realize something too. These shows taught values. Like protecting the earth, never harming living creatures, being yourself, and knowing that your parents love you even when it's "hard" for them to say so. And of course:
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My new theory for the downfall of American culture is the lack of PSAs at the end of every cartoon. The 80s and 90s had it going on.
PS: Ebaum's World apparently still exists. The more things change...