Dec 19, 2005 21:21
Are we empty vessels brimming with excuses
we are the hands of god ?
we are whispers, plans, imaginations
every thing we touch turns grey
burning out as fast as our words leap from mandibles
eating up the floor we stand on
leaking into the sky
our chests crack to expose the tapestry
muscles, tissue, bile, sinew
such wonder, such colors, defy the human intellect
the hands of god could never create something so hideous
we floated through the atmosphere on clouds shaped like teacups
steeping the entire journey
we are strong
we are forgotten
the arms that used to wrap around our bodies in embrace
cover the eyes, choke the color from faces
the hands of god can wash clean
mine stain for eternity
i am a skin graft of paper
scribble your syntax all over me
use a pencil or scribe if you please
fill in the blanks to cover this tapestry
dot my i's and cross your t's
of the taste of sweet redundancy
we wake at the same hour to the barking of clocks
we live like sinking ships
floating down to earth
resting on the ocean floor
corossion and decay
birth and confusion
lungs fill and exhale
a whirl wind of alphabetical symmetry
it could make sense
if you could sort it out