Dec 20, 2008 15:25
Awww, I have stomachache....oh, grades in Fall quarter are available now. Go to the SVC website and check yours!!
By the way, my grades are....
Guitar A
Yay! I did well!! But unfortunately, a guitar class in next quarter has been canceled. I was going to take it! DX In any case, I will keep playing the guitar because it is so fun!!
French A
I was a little worried about this because I didn't study French hard. XD;; BUT I GOT A!! I can't take next French class because of other classes I have to take. I will keep studying French so that I will be like France in Hetalia (he is so cool).
LIA (Japanese) A
This was easy and fun. I want to help students studying Japanese next quarter too.
Psychology A-
WOW!! A-!!! ...don't make fun of me. I'm really happy that I could get A- on psychology. The class was really hard, and our group work was not so good...and each assignment in that class was really hard to me. D: BUT A-!! Yahooooooo!!!! I'm so happy. VERY HAPPY, although my stomach still hurts, awww....