Sep 23, 2010 14:46
Ok... So I've been gone a while... Life's been... well... read on true believers.
As of two weeks ago, my little sister is very happy to announce that she has a hamster in the oven. Ok. So I call it a hamster. Anyway, it's apparently needing more room for the jumbo size exercise wheel, and Dana's doing just fine in her pregnancy. ^__^ I for one am looking very very very forward to being an uncle. Seeing how I don't yet have a wife and kids, this little hamster is going to be the most spoiled fur ball on the planet. :) Minus the fur hopefully... and the ball... I'd like the kid to have arms and legs if at all possible. Anyway, I believe sis is 15 weeks in and doing great. God is AMAZING!!! ^__^
Also, Crossroad Farms really liked the sketches of Jesus I did. REALLY liked them. ^__^` Like... we're talking... REALLY liked them. lol. I felt the love. ^__^ And who knows? This actually has some potential for doing more than ministry. Maybe even... a career? Imagine that. Me drawing Cartoon Jesus for a living. I could learn to love that pretty quickly. ~__^
Let's see... What else... I mean... I haven't updated in 5 weeks, so you'd think I'd have more than enough to share. *__*` I do know that I'll be in NYC for the New York Comic Convention between the 8th and 10th of October. That'll be fun. I'll get to see a lot of people I haven't been able to hang out with in a long time, and my buddy Bodhi is letting me stay at his place with him and their little boy, so bonus. ^__^ Looking forward to all the fun, and I'm considering signing up for a webcomics workshop... But... That'll involve me actually doing some work between now and then... we'll see...
I've been getting butchered at work these past few weeks. Especially this past week... ugh... I hate bringing work with me to Holland... Nothing says "I love you, Leah" like me sitting on the couch watching the Auburn vs. Clemson game, and typing in an index to the catalog while Leah sleeps at the other end of the couch. Poor thing. Her weeks have been just as busy as mine, but with extra drama. Drama sucks. And I heard that it kills llamas. Save a llama. Stop the drama.
The good thing about me being stuck at work until the weeeeeee hours of the evening is the nice paycheck I'm getting from all the overtime. Well... Until the taxes are taken out of it... Then it's just a nice after thought. Still, it helps. I'm considering the idea of souly living off my overtime paychecks and using my actual paycheck to jump on my bills like Mario on a Goomba. Fun word there. "Goomba". Good stuff. Anyway, we'll see how it all works out with my various other plans for world domination.
Getting back in shape has come to a couch potato style of a stop. Who'd have believed that one little knee injury would make everything else "seem" impossible to do? Sloth Boy. That's who. And right now Sloth Boy has the remote control and his stories are on. He ain't budgin'. I wonder if one of my readers would like to prod me with a cattle rod and see if that cures lard-butt-itis? Worth a shot (says the man who should know better than to offer an internet wide range of people the option to violently jolt him into spontaneous aerobic workouts).
This weekend will find me at my friend Jeremie's home. Or as I like to call it... umm... I don't think I gave it a name yet... maybe... "Construction Nightmare"... "The Money Pit II"... "Monkeys at Work"... "The Case of the Missing Building Code"... "That Should Hold"... "I Need a Licensed What?"... "How NOT to Renovate Your Home"... "That House That Would Kill 'Holmes on Homes'". I think you get the idea. Honestly... It's not as bad as I've made it sound. He's made some good headway. I just suggest that if you're renovating a home, do it room by room. Not "I'll leave one room standing and then destroy everything around me". I believe he has... 1 room fully finished? I think?
All of that to say, this weeks project is going to be a fun... fun event... We're knocking out a wall. AN EXTERIOR WALL!!! You know? The LOAD BEARING KIND!!!! Oh, and it's the wall that runs the length of about 1/3 of Jeremie's very large home. Why? So he can move the wall out TWO FEET. Yes. To gain TWO FEET. Never mind that the room is already 25' x 31'. Apparently he doesn't have enough room for mythical jet plane to park... Seriously... two feet... Why am I helping with this? Oh yeah. So I can give an accurate headcount to the rescue team. On the bright side, Jeremie hasn't done anything to hospitalize himself recently, and his plans end up working. Oh, and for the record, he's only been to the hospital twice for construction related injuries to his home. Don't step on nails, kids. "Right. That's bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon." (I love quoting Ghostbusters).
And now for the updates on the goals.
1. Paying off College Early = Things are looking up. I refinanced the car once I figured out that my credit score was back in good standings and that 53rd Bank was gouging me on the interest rate. Such a pain to even get that information. Since the loan was originally in my dad's name at 53rd, only he could get the information. And even then, they gave us all sorts of grief about pulling said information. Why? Because they apparently knew that the interest rate was at something like 12%... 12%... Here I thought my cousin told me that he got a good deal for me... 12%... well, it's at a much lower 4.49% now, and it's at my bank and in my name. Meaning, I no longer have to pull cash out from my bank and drive across town to make the payment at 53rd, which was a tremendous pain in the rear. It's also freed up about $117 a month that will now be added to the college loan every month. A super "win win" for the ever lovable Cole Dawg. ^__~
2. Reading the Bible in One Year = I'm jumping around so much in Acts and 1st Timothy that I think I've covered half the Bible in just looking up side information. I also found a decent website for the Ancient Greek of the New Testament. I may not be able to pronounce the words at first glance (or second... or 28th...) but the definitions for the words are easily accessible. It's been pretty cool. ^__^
3. Good Works in God's Name = Tried to move an old house trailer frame on Tuesday to get it out of a widows yard. I need a lot more than 2-3 people... I need 2-3 people, a cutting torch, and a scrap yard. We'll give it a second shot in a week or two. Other than that, I got to hear a little old lady tell me that her husband never opened doors for her because she should be able to do it herself. She appreciated the assistance all the same. ~__^
4. Achieve 2nd Degree Brown Belt Status in Sanchin-Ryu = No class this week or next. So much to work on... But things are looking promising for that eventual promotion. ^__^
5. Run a Full Marathon = Knee... Knee sucks. Hate the knee. Need to lose weight so the knee doesn't have so much fat arseness to carry around.
Side Note = I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad. lol.
And with that, I take my leave. Time to get back to what I'm paid to do on this machine. ^__~
Take Care and God Bless,
2010 goals