My oh my, is it ever getting difficult to keep the weekly updates flowing. O_o`
First, let's get the ball rolling with... NEW ARTWORK!!!
This particular Robo Bug piece will also be used by the Uganda Orphanage Relief Fund's Children's Ministry. Robo Bug is a big supporter of kids all over the world. ^__^
Additional big things happening in my life would be that Leah and I have started dating again. Our time as friends after our initial relationship has allowed for a lot of communication and better understanding of one another. It probably helps that I wasn't getting killed by the 5 hour round trip to see her every weekend as well. I sort of got a bit grouchy and irrational after months of that every week... ^__^` Things are going much better for us right now, though it's pretty early to really say how things will end up. Still, she's definitely worth whatever efforts I need to be making.
I've ordered a book on how to do webcomics, so that should be interesting. It's time Robo Bug started earning his keep around here after all. ^__~ We'll see how that goes with fitting in everything else I've been doing. Especially now that I've started a 20 week program to get myself back into fighting shape (hopefully minus any fighting).
The new program has me lifting weights 3 times a week and running 4 times a week. My minimum distance for running will change every 4 weeks, going from 3 miles per run to 4, 5, and finally 6 miles per run. It sounds like it builds up pretty quickly, but trust me, I'm quite capable of it. My old routine for getting back in shape was lifting three times a week and running 5 times a week with a minimum of 5 miles per run. That was WAY to much running, so this will allow for better recovery periods. Recovery is GOOD (says my already aching body). But for every week that I accomplish my goals, I receive one free back massage from Leah. It's as far as one can go with Christian morals. :-P If I fail to reach a weeks goals, I have to take her rock climbing. Rock climbing isn't quite the super fun thing for me, thus it's good motivation for me to stick with it. Leah wins either way, as if I'm always meeting my goals, she ends up with a much buffer and hotter looking me. lol.
And now for the updates on the goals.
1. Paying off College Early = More and more work has been coming in from Uncle Don, and there's potential of artwork being added as well. For now, names on the tops of the signs will have to do, and that's making me an average of $20 extra in the wallet per week. Not much now, but when the heavier part of the season hits, it'll be more like $400 a week. I can live with that. ^__~
2. Reading the Bible in One Year = I am the mega sloth. Currently slothing in Exodus.
3. Good Works in God's Name = My hands are super full with the widows ministry at the church. I actually have to make a phone call in a little while to see about booking a weekend with a widow to clean out her basement for her (as requested). It's a very rewarding feeling to be coordinating assistance for the widows of our church, and it's definitely taken on a life of it's own. Many people want to be involved, and that's just awesomeness provided directly from the Lord. ^__^ Still, I'm working on adding the nice little side things that people should do for one another in private. It's always good to know that wether it be monetary or labor oriented giving, it's still all God, and keeping humble about the deeds we do in His name is a must.
4. Achieve 2nd Degree Brown Belt Status in Sanchin-Ryu = So much to learn still... I think the belt promotion must be on pause at the moment. And I fully agree with that course of action if it is. I still have a lot to learn in regards to my forms and how to apply what I know. The sooner I get my stuff together, the sooner I can get to black belt level and start doing some controlled sparing. It's vital that I know my basics, CBA's and forms to an intense level first though. I need to have the control and options that come from that discipline.
5. Run a Full Marathon = Uh... highly doubtful. Unless I change up the 20 week plan dramatically, I don't think a full marathon is anything I have enough time to accomplish. However, a half marathon isn't out of the question. Once I have that under the belt, maybe we'll start addressing the full marathon training again.
Side Note = I have a lot of artwork getting ready to come through here, so be ready for some nearly weekly revealings of what I've been up to. Life is once again fully hectic, and most of that's my own fault. Hopefully, I'll keep God in the forefront of everything, and He'll give me the wisdom and strength to either accomplish or pass up on some of my goals. It's all about faith in Him. I guess I better start reading and memorizing more... ^__~
Take Care and God Bless,