Healthcare Rant

Mar 23, 2010 15:03

This past week has been hectic and stressful with work and our so called representatives in office. The work continues to pile on with deadlines that cause me to stay long after my 40 hours are up for the week, and the "Obamacare" seems to have gone through. I can't begin to express the numerous concerns I have with the bill, the fact that it was voted in when the people didn't want it, the cost of having such a bill put into action that we're all going to get taxed heavily on, and the power this entitles the government to if the lawsuits brought against it don't force it to be revoked. I'm tired of democrats AND republicans, but I can at least say that 34 democrats and the current republicans in office voted on behalf of the majority of the people that put them in. Hopefully it was their agenda to serve those that they're to represent and not a side agenda that just coincided with the will of the people. Time will tell.

This isn't about left wing and right wing. This is suppose to be about voting on actions that are supported by the majority of THE PEOPLE. Not the agenda of what party is in power. One of my personal pet peeves in life is when someone tells me "how" I feel even when I clearly state to them that I do not feel that way. The current presidency has just told us all "No. You really wanted this bill to pass. You say you don't, but you really do." I pray that voters remember this come November. Sadly, we Americans seem to have a short term memory when it comes to these types of things. Sadder still is that reality of how this is going to effect our lives won't fully hit until Obama's presidency is over (and that's if he serves back to back terms). The tax implications from this bill are going to be frightening. Most European nations with this model of healthcare have taxes that equal or exceed 40%-50% of the gross pay for its people. If you work minimum wage and have to work 2 hours to make 8 bucks take home pay, and your cost of living hasn't dropped, how do you expect to survive?

For those that do support the current healthcare plan, I'm not trying to mock you, your intelligence, or your values. This comes down to numbers. The majority of people in the US did not want this bill to pass, thus, if we were actually represented by the people in office, it would not have passed. Instead, it did. And that's not how democracy works.

healthcare rant

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