Sep 02, 2005 17:39
I wasn't going to vent emotion through this media, but I'm too pissed off to refrain. First, the phrase 'natural disaster'. Hurricanes are natural. What happens when a hurricane hits is the result of what society does with its resources. So (ideally) if everyone had been evacuated and provided with shelter, water, and food, there would have been no disaster, but only a hit on the insurance industry. But that didn't happen. Of the litany of obscene comments by people in charge, I'll just quote one, by the FEMA head: "We're dealing with people we didn't know were there." There you have it. The invisible marginalized poor. Hell, all those SUVs got out just fine on their credit cards last Saturday, another long weekend. So the same old story, whether it's 60's white flight or neo-con tax cuts or security concerns over-riding safety- the same people get fucked every time. God, I feel so tired.