here i am

Dec 27, 2004 23:50

Grrr....sooo tired...

So, England's been nice so far. We were snowed out yesterday, but no worries now. I flew over to Lausanne, Switzerland at about 1030 this morning (when my commuter flight landed). My cousins have done an awesome job with their flat here. There's this insane view out the living-area window that looks out into the snowy mountains beyond- and when you look straight down, all you see is screaming colors from the night-club that's a few floors below us.

I'm so glad I'm finally away from my parents for a while. Being back home in England visiting everyone was becoming severely stressful- People asking me all sorts of personal questions...trying to pry into my life. I swear, they think I'm some freakin heathen. (maybe i am...)

Bah- I'm being asked to go down to the pubs and drink tonight, but I feel like I've been continuously drunk for the past 5 days now. My stomach hurts!

I wish I was in Australia right now...the beautiful summer air and blue beaches. mmmmmm....

I can't wait for this vacation to end so I can resume life once again. I feel so incredibly far away from everyone...which is basically true...

...and I've discovered my French needs some work. They only speak French and German in this part of Switzerland- and I keep having trouble clearly communicating with people. I have to repeat myself like 3 or 4 times to get my stupid point across.

Alright Alright.

~~~Le rob est un yankee méchant qui vit dans un pays effrayant. Pourquoi l'aimons-nous tellement? Est-ce ses cheveux rouges (qui sont maintenant noirs), ou parce qu'il est gai? Nous pouvons ne jamais savoir...~~~

no i'm not!


gotta go.
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