Fic: What is Accident but Misnamed Fate? (Part 2)

Jan 30, 2011 15:29

Title: What is Accident but Misnamed Fate?
Author: robliz  
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Will with brief mentions of Will/Emma, Finn/Quinn and Finn/Rachel
Word Count: 2700 for part 2 (15400 overall)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Finn keeps turning up on Will's doorstep.
Spoilers: Up to 2x10 but only minor ones from season 2
Warnings: Teacher/student.
Author's Notes: Written for the gleebigbang . My first big bang so please be nice!

Part 1

 The second time was because Finn didn’t know where else to go. Burt Hummel had just thrown him out of the house for calling Kurt a fag. He had sat on the sidewalk while his anger slowly dissipated and was replaced by disappointment. Disappointment in himself for getting so angry at Kurt when he was just trying to be nice. Disappointment in himself for calling Kurt that when he has no problem whatsoever with Kurt being gay. He had not only let himself down though, he had also let his mum down. He had just ruined her best chance of happiness since his dad died. Burt was a really good man and she had been so happy and now Finn had torn it all into little pieces just because he couldn’t cope with sharing a room with one of his friends. Finn wondered if he should go back in and apologise straight away. He couldn’t figure out what to say though and, if he was honest, he was a little scared of Burt. Maybe it was best to let him calm down for a bit then. But where could he go now? He couldn’t sit on the doorstep indefinitely. Normally he would have just headed over to Puck’s house but since the baby incident they had barely spoken. Rachel would be with Jesse and there was no way Finn was going to sit and watch them being all coupley. Plus Finn wasn’t sure how well her dads might take the reason why he had been thrown out. However much he could explain that he didn’t have a problem with gay people and that it was said in the anger of the moment because he knew it would hurt, they would just think that he was homophobic. There were no other footballers or glee club members to whom he felt close enough to just turn up unannounced. Sure, most of the rest of glee club would probable let him in and be civil but they would all be on Kurt’s side and it would be awkward. Anyway, he didn’t know where most of them lived.

Then it occurred to him. There was someone who would listen and wouldn’t judge. And since he was paying attention when he was driven home last week, Finn figured he could just about manage to find his way there again. Hadn’t Mr Schue said to come and talk to him whenever he needed. Sure, he probably hadn’t really meant for Finn to come round to his house again but he needed somewhere to go and Mr Schue was the only viable option. If he could make Finn feel as happy and content as he did last time that would be brilliant. He figured that wouldn’t happen, not this time, as he felt so bad about himself, but it was worth a try.

Finn stood up and began walking in the direction of Mr Schue's house. It was going to take him a while to walk there but he was already feeling better just knowing that he had somewhere to go. He stuck his hands in his jeans pockets and discovered a few coins that he had forgotten about. Maybe he could call into a shop on the way and buy Mr Schue something to say sorry for turning up like this. What did he like though? Chocolate? Surely everybody liked that. But then again Puck did have that cousin who used to come and stay and he didn't like it. If Mr Schue was a girl he would have just bought him a bunch of flowers. That might be a bit inappropriate though. What would his mum take round to friends? Wine mainly. But Finn was underage. He couldn’t buy wine. Although he did look older than he was. He hadn’t been able to get child prices anywhere for at least 3 years. People just refused to believe him when he gave his age. Maybe he would go and buy a bottle of wine for Mr Schue. Finn was pretty certain they didn’t throw people into jail for trying to buy alcohol when they were too young. Just in case he decided that he would find a shop closer to Mr Schue’s house where there was a less likely chance that someone would recognise him.

Just round the corner from Mr Schue’s house Finn spotted a grocery store. He walked in trying to appear confident although his hand shook like a leaf. He located the wine aisle and wandered up and down it a few times while he realised how little he knew about wine. He eventually selected a bottle of red with a nice label that cost less than the handful of coins in his pocket. Walking back towards the cashier Finn briefly considered buying some candy as well then realised that it might give the game away. What kind of adult buys candy with their wine?

The cashier seemed bored and barely glanced at Finn as she scanned in the bottle. Finn didn’t make eye contact and just handed over the cash. He resisted the urge to run out of the shop as soon as he was handed the change and instead managed to walk in a relatively calm manner out of the shop and round the corner. Once out of sight he sat on the pavement and let out a huge sigh of relief. It had been much easier than he’d imagined.

Once his heart rate had returned to something resembling normal, Finn stood up and continued on to Mr Schue’s house. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell. He could hear it echoing through the house. It sounded empty. Finn sank to the floor and lent his head back against the door. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that Mr Schue would be out. He realised how silly that was. Mr Schue was allowed to go out and have a life outside of school and glee club. Tears began to form in his eyes as he realised that he was back in the same situation again. He still had nowhere to go but now he was miles from anywhere he knew. He should have just gone to the library or something and waited for Burt to calm down. He hugged the bottle of wine to his chest and considered whether to just give up on himself completely and just drink all the wine now.

Suddenly the door opened and Finn fell backwards. He looked upwards into Mr Schue’s surprised face.

“What are you doing there?”

Finn pulled himself onto his feet.

“I needed to talk.”

He looked at Mr Schue. His hair was wet. He had clearly been in the shower when he rang the bell.

“I’m sorry for turning up like this.”
“Come in Finn.”

Finn followed Mr Schue into the living room still clutching the bottle of wine. He thrust it towards Mr Schue as he turned to face Finn.

“For you.”

Mr Schue took the bottle of wine off Finn and placed it on the table.

“Wait a minute. How did you get this?”
“Went into a shop and bought it.”
“But you’re 16!”
“They didn’t seem to notice.”

Mr Schue smiled at him and placed his warm hand on Finn’s arm.

“Oh Finn you really shouldn’t have, but thanks anyway.”

Mr Schue sat on the sofa and Finn sat down next to him.

“What do you need to talk about, Finn?

Finn’s face flushed bright red but he made himself talk. After all that was what he had come here to do even if he didn’t really want to admit to Mr Schue what he had done. Didn’t want Mr Schue thinking that he meant it, that he was just a mean, dumb jock making Kurt’s life a misery.

“I called Kurt a fag.”

Mr Schue once again seemed to have this uncanny knowledge of exactly what Finn was feeling.

“I really didn’t mean it! I was just angry at him. And myself. I didn’t ask to share a room with him. I have a perfectly good room of my own at home but there’s no point in being there when mom isn’t. And I know Kurt was just trying to be nice redecorating his room in a way he thinks I’ll like but he doesn’t have a clue what I like mainly because most of the time I don’t have a clue what I like. And Burt was really mad and made me feel so guilty but it wasn’t just my fault. It was partly my fault but Burt doesn’t understand what it’s like sharing a room with a guy who fancies you and I have no problem with gay people. I wouldn’t want to share a room with a girl if she fancied me and I didn’t like her back. And then I didn’t have anywhere to go because I’m not speaking to Puck any more and I miss him but he was the one who did me wrong so he has to say sorry first and I couldn’t go to Rachel’s because Jesse would be there and I don’t really have any other close friends. I think I’m a bit of a mess.”

Finn sunk back into the cushions of the sofa and shut his eyes. Trying his best not to cry, he felt Mr Schue’s hand on his arm, his thumb rubbing gentle circles into the soft skin.

“Oh Finn.” he whispered, “What are we going to do with you?”

This was the last straw for Finn. Tears had been prickling at his eyes ever since he started speaking and he’d held them back until now. But now Mr Schue was being so gentle and kind when he knew he didn’t deserve it that there was no way he could hold them back any longer.

Noticing the tears Mr Schue reached up one hand and gently wiped the first few away with his thumb. When they didn’t stop he carefully pulled Finn into his arms. He rubbed his back and made soothing sounds in Finn’s ear. Finn buried his head into Mr Schue’s chest, calmed by Mr Schue’s actions and also his closeness. His tears stopped quite abruptly as Mr Schue pressed a kiss onto the top of his head. He pulled away slightly and looked at Mr Schue.

“You okay now Finn?”

Finn nodded. He couldn’t process speech at this moment, he was too busy trying to figure out why he was feeling this heat all over his body, everywhere Mr Schue had touched him. Finn couldn’t think at all, not while Mr Schue was still so close to him.

Finn stood up.

“Need to...”

Finn practically sprinted into the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the bath and let his breathing return to normal. Why was Mr Schue having this effect on him? He liked Mr Schue, sure. Nobody was denying that. But Finn was starting to think that he might “like” like Mr Schue. It was a very similar feeling to what he had felt for Quinn, and what he sometimes felt for Rachel, but it was so much stronger. This couldn’t be happening. Not now, not to him. He had enough going on in his life without falling for a male teacher. He didn’t have the time or energy to have a sexuality crisis. Particularly when the only person in the world that he could talk to is the one making him question himself in the first place.

There was no option. He would just have to pull himself together. He would act like nothing was wrong. He was getting surprisingly good at doing that now. He would walk out of this bathroom and treat Mr Schue like any other teacher. Well maybe not like any other teacher but like he always has done. He needed somewhere to stay tonight anyway. He couldn’t end up sleeping on the streets just because he couldn’t control his feelings.

Finn took a deep breath and stepped out into the corridor. He walked back into the living room concentrating very hard on not blushing bright red when Mr Schue stood up and walked towards him.

“You okay Finn?”
“Yeah,” Finn mumbled.
“How about I make us some coffee and then we could talk some more?”

Finn nodded, keeping his eyes on the floor.

Mr Schue patted him on the arm with a forced smile on his face.

“It’ll be okay Finn.”

Finn nodded again and Mr Schue walked past him into the kitchen. He sunk down into the nearest chair. No chance of Mr Schue sitting so close if he was on a chair.

Mr Schue came back through with the coffees. He handed one to Finn and sat down on the sofa opposite.

“So do you want to tell me what happened with Kurt?”

Finn took a big gulp of hot coffee.

“I called him a fag.”
“I got that much. But that’s really not like you Finn. What happened to make you say that?”

Finn took another gulp of coffee.

“I was really mad because I didn’t want to share a room with Kurt. You know he has a crush on me?”
“I may have noticed something.”

Finn looked up at Mr Schue and smiled.

“He was redecorating his, no our, room and I just couldn’t take it any more. I felt like he thought that there was a chance of something happening between us now that we shared a room. But there isn’t. Because I’m not...”

Finn stopped speaking. Maybe he was gay. Maybe that was why he fancied Mr Schue.

“Because I don’t fancy Kurt.”

Mr Schue gave Finn an odd look but let him carry on without comment.

“I was really mad and so I called the lamp and the blanket faggy. I only said it because I was mad and because I knew it would hurt him. But then Burt came down the stairs and heard me and he yelled at me for ages and then he threw me out.”
“So you came here.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that. I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
“That’s okay Finn. I don’t mind, really. Do you need to stay the night?”

Finn nodded.

“Okay, I’ll make up a bed on the sofa for you.”

Finn nodded again and stared at his feet. Half of him wanted more than to just sleep on Mr Schue’s sofa. Half of him really wanted to sleep in Mr Schue’s bed. With Mr Schue. And he really wanted to do more than just sleep. The other half of him was yelling at the first half, telling him that he was a stupid idiot and of course he didn’t fancy Mr Schue. How ridiculous was that? Mr Schue was just a good teacher and Finn liked him purely in that way. Because Finn wasn’t gay. He had honestly fancied Quinn and Rachel, and other girls as well.

Finn glanced back up and noticed Mr Schue had disappeared. He could hear movement in a nearby room and Mr Schue soon returned carrying a pile of blankets and pillows.

“Here you go. You okay now to sort this out?”
“My phone is over there as well. I think you should phone your mom and tell her where you are. She’ll probably be really worried by now. Tell her I’ll drive you over before school in the morning so you can change.”
“I’ll leave you now. I’ve got a bit of marking to do then I’m off to bed. Sleep well, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Mr Schue reached out and brushed the back of his hand down Finn’s cheek.

“It’ll all be fine Finn. Please don’t worry.”

Finn’s cheek burned as he watched Mr Schue leave the room. He then walked over to the phone and dialled his mom’s number.

Part 3
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