Fic: What is Accident but Misnamed Fate? (Part 5)

Jan 30, 2011 15:47

Title: What is Accident but Misnamed Fate?
Author: robliz  
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Will with brief mentions of Will/Emma, Finn/Quinn and Finn/Rachel
Word Count: 1400 for part 5 (15400 overall)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Finn keeps turning up on Will's doorstep.
Spoilers: Up to 2x10 but only minor ones from season 2
Warnings: Teacher/student.
Author's Notes: Written for the gleebigbang  . My first big bang so please be nice!

Part 4

It was only the second week of summer and Finn was bored already. He’d played all the computer games that he and Puck owned, he’d shot more hoops than he could count and he’d had a disastrous attempt at making a cake for his mom. While Finn would never go as far as saying that he missed school, he would admit that he missed glee club. It wasn’t just the singing that he missed, although that was a large part of it, it was seeing the rest of glee club. Since the vacation had started, Finn had only seen Puck, Mike and Matt. He had glimpsed Mercedes across a supermarket the other day and of course his mom was always talking about what Kurt was up to but he hadn’t spoken to any of the others at all. And of course there was Mr Schue. Finn missed him more than he would care to admit. Mr Schue had brought a light into his life that Finn missed so much now that he couldn’t see him. He had racked his brains repeatedly trying to think of an excuse to go round and see him but he had never come up with one. Still, the perfect idea was always just around the corner!

Finn switched on his radio just as Ride with Me came on. It reminded him of the secret jamming sessions that they used to have during Sue’s reign of terror. They had been so fun and so natural. That was one of the times that being in glee had felt like being in a family. Well, Finn thought, there was nothing stopping them doing this again over the summer. He was sure Rachel would approve of anything that kept their voices in training or whatever she had been going on about just before school finished. She might try to take over and make it really formal though. Finn thought that he would just have to remind her that this was purely for fun and it wasn’t like there was a competition coming up or anything.

He rolled off his bed and grabbed his phone off the floor. He texted all the member’s of the glee club the same message.

How bout a jam sumtime this week? ND reunited ovr the vac. Wud be gr8 2 c u all.

He got a reply from Rachel straight away.

That would be great. I have some new solos I’ve been working on. Would love to show you and make sure everyone is doing their vocal exercises right.

Finn laughed out loud at how much Rachel hadn’t changed. He thought it might be awkward between them after Jesse left but they seemed to have settled into being friends quite comfortably. This was good because Finn really did like Rachel. He may not want to go out with her or anything but that didn’t mean they couldn't be friends. And if he hadn’t done the idiotic thing of falling head over heels in love with Mr Schue then he probably would have gone out with her. And it probably would have been fine. But Mr Schue occupied too much of Finn’s brain for him to even consider having another relationship right now.

Finn’s phone made a noise and he noticed that he had got another message, this time from Puck.

It was gay in school and its even gayer now we are not in school. Might come if I can bring my guitar though.

Finn had a brief moment of confusion where he thought that Puck might be able to read his thoughts until he realised that the thing that was gay was glee not his feelings for Mr Schue. He began to get angry and remembered at the last moment that his friendship with Puck was on tenterhooks as it was and sending an angry message to Puck about his homophobic comments was not going to help the situation. Puck would only say that Finn was calling him out on it because he was gay and while Finn thought he may well be gay he wasn’t exactly ready to share this thought with anyone else right now. Puck was coming and that was the main thing. He could educate Puck later. He had actually been slightly concerned that he may have said something to Puck when they were drunk but since Puck was acting no different around him and had said nothing unusual, either he had said nothing or Puck had also been too drunk to remember what had happened. Either way, Finn was pretty certain Puck had no idea of his feelings for other men, or one man in particular really.

Within an hour Finn had received messages from all of New Directions. Mercedes had offered her house as a venue and they had decided to start the following evening. Finn was much more excited than he expected at the prospect of singing again and practically ran to Mercedes house the next day.

Everybody turned up and Puck brought his guitar along. Finn made up for the lack of a drum kit by banging on cookie tins like a little kid. It was all great fun however. They were all so glad to see each other that they even let Rachel lead them in in warm up and then let her sing her new solo for them. The rest of what they sang was mainly a run down of some of their favourites from the past year. Puck’s repertoire didn’t stretch much further than that and a couple of new chart songs he liked so anything else they wanted to sing would have to be unaccompanied.

While Finn enjoyed the session and was already looking forward to next week, he couldn’t help feeling that something was missing. Mr Schue wasn’t there with them, helping them and joining in with the fun. It crossed Finn’s mind that they could invite him along. He was sure that Mr Schue would enjoy it. It might not be very appropriate though. And Finn didn’t really feel comfortable going round to his house to ask him. Not since he had developed these feelings. Even though this wasn’t actually anything to do with those feelings.

The following week it wasn’t Finn that brought up the lack of Mr Schue, but Rachel.

“Should we maybe tell Mr Schue what we are doing? Maybe he would have some new music he wants us to try out.”
“I shouldn’t think Mr Schue is spending his entire summer vacation finding music for you to sing.” replied Santana.
“Maybe not,”said Tina, “But he might have some sheet music we could borrow. It would be nice to try a few more show tune.”
“Yes,” said Kurt, “I’m getting a bit bored of Puck’s repetitive playing.”
“Speak for yourself!” Puck replied, giving Kurt a gentle shove.
“How are we going to contact him?” asked Tina.
“I know where he lives.” said Finn.
“Brilliant. Mr Schue likes you as well, Finn. Can you go round at some point this week and speak to him about it.” Rachel said with a big grin on her face.

Finn panicked. He didn’t really want to go round to Mr Schue’s house uninvited again. He regretted admitting that he knew where Mr Schue lived.

“It’s nearer for Puck to go. It would be really annoying if I walked all the way over just to find that he’d gone on holiday or something.”
“Come on Finn, there is no way Mr Schue had gone on holiday. Have you seen the state of his car and his clothes, he couldn’t afford a holiday.” said Kurt.
“Besides, who is he going to go with? His ex-wife?” said Mercedes.
“And don’t send me round there. I’ll just get lost. Or trash something” said Puck.

Finn realised that there was no way out of this. He was going to have to go round to Mr Schue’s house again. Looking on the bright side, at least this time he had a reason. And the reason wasn’t all about himself.

“Fine. I’ll go round tomorrow.”
“Thanks Finn. Remember to ask him for sheet music. If he has Evita, that would be great” said Rachel.

Part 6
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