Looking at my phone...dialed calls. Damn I drunk dialed a million people. Sorry everyone. Was not even that drunk, not sure why I don't remember any of that.
Anyway, was supposed to hang out with my cousin because his birthday was this week...but we had to postpone it to next thursday. So yea...
Hadn't seen Denise or Jenn in forever. I went on a little strike I guess. So I finally hung out with them again last night. No regrets. I had a blast. We were all really trashed. Made for a very fun night. I'll be honest. I did miss Denise. Guess I had to end the strike eventually. But it is good to take time off from people sometimes. You realize how important they really are. Hahaha, sounds like a relationship. So hungover again. Second day in a row. Supposed to be at the UCLA game with my coworkers right now...eh, not going. Feel like crap. Fell asleep sitting in a chair, and I really only got like 3 hours, if that. Really need to just sit around today. But yea, so we went out to some club called Naked. Crazy place. We left at like 4:30am and the bar was still open. Pretty crazy. So last night was a good night.
Thursday night was good too. Another night at Trady's. Thursday was also the last day of classes. Which means I will never sit in a USC classroom again. Very excited but also kinda sad now. I wasn't at first, but then my friends made me sad. Oh one note...not sure why I thought to do it, but I put on a white tshirt on for my last day of classes. Wrote on both sides. Front: "PLEASE LET ME GRADUATE (PASS ME)" Back: "KISS ME I'M GRADUATING"
Pretty funny, everyone had a good laugh. Oh, and I found out that I will be passing all of my classes. Cannot believe I am graduating!!!!
Oh yea, thursday night. Hung out with Will again. We went to Trady's. Ended up being an ISE bash. It was like everyone was there. Ended up going to Weiland's afterward. I really don't remember drinking that much, but I was pretty damn drunk. Woke up at Sheila's apt. I stole her bed...oops! She picked me up from Weiland's in my drunkenness and hung out for a bit.
Alright, there is so much to say that I am leaving out.
All my projects are done. All presentations have been made. We made a recommendation for some software to Boeing. I'll be damn they had the PRESIDENT of that company fly in for our presentation. It was so overwhelming.
Okay, there is my half ass update on what's going on.
Oh yea, and I passed the SPI test at UPS.
Hmmm...what will happen in January. Guess we'll see...won't we.
CHEERS!!!! to Mac N Cheese
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