Nov 09, 2004 09:45
What the opening act kicking the other bands ass!!!!
I realize that I am friends with the guys of Division Six and all but I honestly think they were so much better than the two bands that followed. Really proud of those guys, they sound great. Doesn't hurt that they are all classicly trained and Dave has a golden voice.
So yea, had a great time last night. Gotta love hanging out with the la palma's. We all drank a significant amount. Ashley started to get pretty drunk but she also got over it really fast. Than my dumbass made Christina some greyhounds. That was really stupid of me. I made them really strong and I knew she was good after one but when she asked for another one, I obliged. Oops...
She wound up getting pretty sick. Really sorry jeff. That was my bad! On a better note, it was actually great to see her. Not so much for myself, but for what it means to Jeff. Don't really have a crystal ball, so I can't see what the future brings. There are so many times where I wish I could.
Ah well, another day...time to go about it.
CHEERS!!! girlies not grossed out by my apt (heh-heh)