Sep 07, 2004 18:42
Friday the Purv and I went down to deesh's to help her move into her new apt. There were some really drunk people by the end of the night. For some reason it never hit me, which is good because I was driving anyway. But yea, Diaz's friends were still there when we were leaving and they were in de's room. She didn't have her bed yet so I told her to crash at our place, so she did. Interestingly enough, she wasn't completely repulsed by our place. There's a first. I really am quite jealous of her place though. I went over saturday and monday to use her swimming pool. Then I pretty much just laid around her apt. It is so great to be able to go somewhere that isn't home and do pretty much the same thing you would be doing at home. It's very relaxing for me. So yea, she will be very sick of me before the year is out. Any bets on how long that will take???
For those who don't have access to my post about saturday night....too bad!! heh-heh, ok, ok. Jeff and I went out with some friends (some old, some new) to some bar/club in hollywood. We had an awesome time!!! Probably me more than him since he was busy babysitting the whole night. Definitely good times, spent way too much money but it was all worth it. HAH...that's all you get.
Sunday was spent with lindz working in the hot sun. Basically just parking cars for all them Nascar fans. Afterward she invited me to some Brazilian restaurant. Damn that stuff was so good. I have to take some people back over there. Maybe this weekend if the plans hold up. After we ummm...hahahaha, yea we went to hang out at her place and played UNO. yea i know, shut up. but it was actually fun. Left at like 11 and went to hang out with my cousins which had been playing drinking games in Pasadena. Ummm, horrible time. Well I had some free beers and jack in the crack...but yea. they all act like girls. EMOTIONAL DRUNKS. pretty gay actually.
Monday...lounge around, eat, lounge around, pool time, lounge around, eat agian, more lounging. Then its time to head home. Holy shit they are towing jeff's car!!!! God damn that can ruin a weekend. FUCKING horrible. Anyway I crashed at home last night since it was too late to drive back to USC. hmmm...i bored myself with this post.
CHEERS!!! to one who is about to do a dirty deed. Good luck man!