Mar 26, 2007 13:02
risk is exposing yourself to the chance of loss for the possibility of a gain, right? well there's this thing, cuz like i'm happier now than i have been for a long time, but there are a couple risks that i could take to make myself even happier. but isn't that kind of like some kind of greed or something? if i'm already happy should i risk not being all that happy anymore for the chance to be even happier? sounds kind of foolish right... if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of thing. so i think i'm just going to keep doing my thing and bank on the theory that things just turn out the way they should (yikes, that's a shaky theory but whatever).
i wish livejournal was still cool. at first i thought it was something that you have to grow out of at some point, but then i realized people don't really. they just call them "blogs" instead. what's the difference, really?