May 20, 2004 15:28
It's the best way to get to my heart... Feed me! Got free burritos at work today from a guy named Freedman... hence the title of this entry. Anyway, absolutely nothing going on today, but last night was one of those thinking while you try and sleep nights. I had an epiphany. Whats that mean? It means I'm pretentious, but I realized that stress is an emotional construct of my own making. If I choose to stop thinking about it and realize that it's generally only significant because I choose it to be, then it ceases to exist as an event. No one else (typically) will think about it and it then can only become reality again if I let it. Taking this construct perspective I imagined myself in a gunmetal grey sphere (I started with white but it was too bright for me to try and sleep) and any thought which entered my mind (the sphere) I pushed out. So in a graphical sense the thoughts tried to push into my sphere and I repelled them. Make sense? Well it was an interesting experience for me and it felt like an emotional step up as well as a maturation of my psyche. Zen if not for a moment.
SO, I saw Rick commented on Kat's (your) message board... He seemed to take one for the team but I have a feeling that response of his was moreso to keep people from disliking him. I could be wrong, maybe some or all of it was genuine but it seemed somewhat forced.. like when the person you like tickles you too hard and they are like "Omg did that hurt?" and you go.. "No no no it's ok." when inside you're saying "Fuck oFF ya bastard!"