Jul 05, 2007 03:00
Friday night John Dipol and myself start shooting the first night of a week of zombies for DARK NIGHT: TALES OF THE NECRONOMICON VL.1. AND WE NEED YOU!!! If you live around the DC area and know either of us come on by. But first call me at 213-210-6868. So here's the scoop. Friday and Saturday are very important. We need a lot of people. We're asking people to start showing up at 5 pm to get costume and make up. We start shooting sharp and 8:15 and if you arrive after it might be very hard to fit you in. We'll still do it though cause we love ya. We have a dozen female outfits in small to medium. Very little in male though untill a shipmint arrives monday. So if you are a guy please, please, please, help us out by bringing some clothes. Crappy sunday jacket that can get really really really dirty, black pants and shoes. A shirt and tie wouldn't hurt either if you can spare it but if not we'll make do. Come help us make a the sequal to the fatasticly bad DARK NIGHT. it's about damn time. Again Friday and Saturday, starting at 5. Please call for address and confirmation.