1. Go to Career Cruising, www.careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results (I posted to 36 because the second part of the test said I had the best skills for it)
5. Put the careers you have seriously considered in bold
1. Director of Photography
2. Set Designer
3. Costume Designer
4. Sport Psychology Consultant
5. Psychologist
6. Special Effects Technician
7. Actor
8. Desktop Publisher
9. Humanitarian Aid Worker
10. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
11. Animator
12. Fashion Designer
13. Director
14. Professor
15. Comedian
16. Graphic Designer
17. Artist
18. Critic
19. Print Journalist
20. Musician
21. Medical Illustrator
22. Writer
23. Composer
24. Translator
25. Potter
26. Craftsperson
27. Communications Specialist
28. Computer Animator
29. Makeup Artist
30. Magician
31. Marriage and Family Therapist
32. Clergy
33. Addictions Counselor
34. ESL Teacher
35. Foreign Language Instructor
36. Motivational Speaker