Star Trek Personality Test Results: INFP

Mar 18, 2006 12:01

This test says you are an INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver).* In Star Trek, you share a basic personality configuration with the characters of Garak, Kes, and Phlox.

"Unless I'm mistaken, they are preparing to mate. Do you think they might let me watch?" - Phlox


People like you are generally nonconforming, deeply passionate, and highly dedicated to your personal values. You're reserved, which covers a sensitive spirit easily hurt, the deepest sense of conviction, and a constant state of wonder. You're highly imaginative and creative. You're curious and often study others quietly. You're flexible in small matters. You don't dance to other people's tunes, but you can pretend you do. You get what you want by talking, not screaming.

You're loving and dedicated to people you care about, but you do not compromise your principles for them. Your sense of what is right comes first, even before yourself. You respond best to people who respect your privacy until you let them in, then provide you with emotional intimacy.

You're not the world's most tidy person, nor are you fond of housework and bill-paying. However, if you apply yourself, you may discover a hidden talent for dealing with money.


Your primary goal in life is to be true to your deeply held beliefs and to live in harmony with your values. Your reward is to have your ideas benefit others.


It is vital to your energy that you enjoy the feelings of "good triumphing over evil." Revel in your victories and watch out for becoming dispirited over life's inevitable failures. You have a great capacity for fantasy, so you may want to turn inward to a world where everything is perfect to the detriment of your effectiveness in "reality." Your nobility includes a propensity for self-sacrifice, but under great stress, you can question your own identity.

A good supervisor will keep your position clearly defined and encourage your curiosity with praise and open support. A bad supervisor will take advantage of your habit for taking the blame for everything, including the weather and acts of God.


You have a very strong sense of other people's feelings and are loyal to the core. You are affable and cordial as a rule, but when your values are challenged (or someone you care about is threatened) you can be surprisingly vicious. Be careful about lashing out at others for merely perceived threats.

You may have difficulties in over-romanticizing your relationships, particularly when you feel sincere love. Your desire for idealized perfection in harmony may make you too sensitive to ordinary setbacks and conflicts. On the other hand, your genuine desire to care may make you insensitive to when others don't want to be helped.


Good careers for your type include being a psychologist, human resources professional, Cardassian spy, physical therapist, translator/interpreter, legal mediator, college professor of humanities, and art director.

EDIT: Dear LORD that's accurate. God I love Star Trek.


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