The Spooky Manor was carefully maintained by the Von Spooky family to preserve it's forboding aspect. But it was perfectly structurally sound and clean as a whistle inside.
They didn't stay there during the winter though, due to all the broken windows. But the resident ghosts had been getting very depressed lately so they'd had some workmen...some brave workmen come in and secure the house against the cold. Artistic brave workmen, who could do the job and not ruin the intended ambiance.
And why had they done this? Because they didn't want Anastasia's guests to be unfomfortable for the big Solstice party. The idea was to fill the house with positive energy, to cheer up the ghosts, and, though the family would miss them, maybe help them move on.
So there was plenty of good food, and there gonna be games, and music, as much joy as could be generated.
The Fraggles got things started.
Open to any who want a good, cheerful, spooky time.