jounouchi_chan tagged me.
Post your very first icon that you made (if you have it, if you don't, the OLDEST one that you have) along with your newest icon. This will allow you to show how you have improved in iconing skills and tag five friends whoever wants to do this one, yar
Oldest one that I know of (c. Oct. 2, 2002):
Yes, it sucks, but I'd just discovered the joys of Paint Shop Pro thanks to
touzakuou and I was just playing around to figure out how to use it.
Newest one (c. July 1, 2005):
Not my best either, but I had to use that expression of Yami's. I'm just glad that for the most part, I can make text readable now. ^^;;
Hmm.. whoever wants it. I'm not picky about these things. ^_^