Title: Acre
Author: dollysgirl04
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Robin,
Genre: General,
Spoilers: 2x12, 2x13,
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own, just playing
Notes: Drabble - Robin’s thoughts on the city of Acre.
The desert air felt the same to him.
The cool wind that whipped through the port still carried the scent of the sea.
Sneaking through the streets to avoid trouble he could see that it still looked the same.
His feelings on returning however couldn’t have been more different to his feelings upon first reaching the port as a member of King Richard’s army.
His youthful excitement and exuberance replaced with wary cautiousness.
Acre was the same place; it was the world that was different, that had changed him from the boy he had been into the man he was.