(no subject)

Jul 24, 2010 12:15

I got a call from Dad last evening. I was cooking dinner, and I remember it very clearly. I was sliding a tray of Parmesan chicken into the oven when I thought I heard him say, "Your mother had a fatal dialysis session today." That scared me--I don't know what a fatal dialysis session is, but I know the word fatal. He repeated himself, "a failed dialysis session". Well, that better--not good, but better. There was a problem with the fistula and her circulation, so they performed some surgery on her to try and correct it. That didn't work either. So on Monday, the doctors are going to put a tube into her chest for all future dialysis.

Dad said that she was home, but that she wasn't making a lot of sense. He believes that it was "twilight sleep" (an effect of the anesthesia they used for the surgery). He said that he would keep me up to date.

I got a call from Chris later that night. He and Dad were following a vehicle carrying Mom to Madigan Hospital. He said that he thought she was doing better because sometimes she would give a lucid response to a question, but she also was still lapsing into another state. It had been nine hours since the surgery, so they were taking her to the hospital for an evaluation of her mental state. I pointed out that if her kidneys are working properly, they can't get the anesthesia out of her blood. He agreed and said that it was up to her liver (and that has been affected by the diabetes too).

Dad called this morning and said that Mom spent the night in the hospital. He was going to have some breakfast and then he and Chris are going back to the hospital. He will call me back later, and hopefully let me talk to Mom when she gets home.

I will let you all know too.

dialysis, mom

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