(no subject)

Mar 31, 2009 15:03

My doctor wants me to do more walking. She said that since I live near the Watershed park, I should go there. She approves of the trail because "there are a lot of hills".

Watershed park isn't your usual city park. There is no equipment for kids to play on, or picnic tables. It is a trail through what was originally the water source for Olympia. That was changed in 1950, and the City of Olympia tried to log it and use the money from the timber to build pipes and such for their new customers.

Olympia citizens fought the city all the way to the State Supreme Court to prevent the logging. They were, of course, successful. The trail is a little under a mile and a half and goes around the Moxlie Creek basin.

Here is a map: http://www.ci.olympia.wa.us/NR/rdonlyres/28804C6C-2B7A-463D-9B24-63D5641977CA/0/WatershedPark.pdf

I walked from our house to the entrance across from Harry Fain's park and walked the loop trail. If you look east from that entrance, our street is off of 22nd Ave SE, and goes through the "E" of "AVE".

It took me an hour and a half. It was very windy out there. But pretty.

watershed park

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