(no subject)

Jun 14, 2008 15:41

I think not having posted since December means I'm officially not an LJ kid anymore.

I'm done with my freshman year of college, which is just bizarre. Last night I realized that this is the first time in my life I've ever felt ambivalent about summer vacation. Instead "Free! I'm free for a couple of months!" it's more like "oh really? not for another 3 months? Oh... OK." Not that I'll miss my school work that much (except possibly my acting class. And maybe women's studies. And... OK, I'll miss school work, I'm a dork.) but I'm really going to miss my friends. Why did I have to make friends with so many of the out-of-state-ers?

However, I am very excited to be working at CPC this summer, and after that to be working in DC for a month. Not to mention to have a bit of down time at home for a while. Especially after finals week, days where I have no responsibilities are awfully nice.

I'm going to see Obama speak Monday at Joe Louis Arena, anyone want to come?
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