Sep 09, 2004 21:46
i think
when i get older i want to live in hawaii or cali and just surf. after a couple years of living in my car on the beach ill get pretty good at surfing. ill sleep in a hammock at night and ill have a dog that always comes surfing with me. ill fish for dinner and ill work at starbucks to get a pretty steady income.
thats one option
or maybe i could live in australia and study physical therapy for a couple years. i would live in sydney for a while and then pack up and move around the country to surf all around the coasts. i would livein my car and i could treat poor people that need medical care. i would just get my mom to send me money or something
surf with lindsey after school tomorrow for like EVER. then we are going to the pa game because thats what the cool kids are doingg. she has a surf contest this weekend for esa, but i cant be in it because of g-a-y soccer on sunday and uva on saturday. im pretty stoked about uva just to see ben and yeah
"my hearts sinking like a wave"