34D 'Stunning'

Dec 02, 2007 02:58

Title: Stunning
Author: J. C. Way
Characters: Will, the Fool
Challenge: 34D
Rating: U
Notes: I figured sequins were enough of an anachronism? ^^ Spoilers for 2.09, obviously. Blame kalesbohan for this, completely and utterly.

“It’s as simple as this. You just-” The Fool’s finger shimmered towards his eye and Will couldn’t help but flinch away. Before he could react, he’d suffered a light slap across the mouth (a love-tap, his mother would have said) and his chin was held firmly in place again by surprisingly strong fingers. “Honestly, for a supposedly macho carpenter, you’re such a big wimp. Stay still.”

“I’m not sure about this,” Will said. The Fool rolled his eyes, fluttered kohl’d eyelids, and smiled more softly than Will would have imagined him capable.

“Don’t be silly. You’ll look stunning in sequins.”

week 34, challenge d: miscellaneous

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