Title: The First Taste
halfapintCharacters: Guy/Allan
Challenge: 33a - Song Title: The First Taste
Rating: 18
Notes: Set any time after 2x01. Also, spoilers for 2x01.PURE SMUT!!! Totally blame
encryptedcookiefor this! And… the others on MSN. >_> My first attempt at anything like this, so be kind pls? Yet criticsm is desperately needed >_> And should I be comm locking this?
Disclaimer: I am so dead, and I STILL don’t own Robin Hood.
Allan groaned, bucking his hips upwards into Guy’s face, mewling as he scratched at the floor, desperately looking for a grip.
Guy smirked, pushing his hips back down while he returned to licking Allan’s manhood slowly, savouring the flavour.
Something about the younger man had him fascinated - was it the firm chest, or maybe his hips, begging to be marked with bites and nails and brands? Perhaps it was his voice, screaming his name - Master!
No, Guy decided as he greedily drank Allan’s seed. It was that first taste, the night of his capture, that had him addicted.