Title: Every Guy
straitjackitCharacters: Guy, Vaysey
Challenge: 27A
Rating: 12
Notes: Crack. Slash. (Bad attempt at) Humour. Some reference to Guy/Marian. Set sometime in season 2, I have decided. ^_^ I originally had about 200 words, so it might not be so coherent… ^_^;; Forgive me? Inspired by the Take That title "Every Guy".
Disclaimer: LOL. Yeah, ‘cause I own Robin Hood. Ha. Good one! XD
“I give up.”
He could take a lot. He tolerated the sniggers at his failed attempts to catch Hood.
He could deal with the rivalry he and Robin had over the majestic Marian (who would be his).
He could handle with getting his arse kicked by the Nightwatchman or, should he say, NightwatchWOMAN. (There was no way that such a lithe man could have those pretty little breasts… Not that Guy was staring.)
But finding Vaysey, as naked as the day he was born, lying on the bed waiting for his return?
“Fuck me,” Guy muttered.
“Thought you’d never ask.”