Title: Lovers in a Dangerous Time
wanderlustloverCharacters: Robin, Marian, Guy
Challenge: 23 C lyrics One minute you’re waiting for the sky to fall, The next you’re dazzled by the beauty of it all
Rating: 15
Notes: No specific placement in the series.
"Can we trust him?"
Robin’s sleepy voice, right behind her ear, roused her from reverie. Marian stretched, cat-like, barely aware beyond warmth and sound.
"You weren't questioning my judgment earlier," she whispered, lazily, over her bare shoulder.
“I’ve learned it isn’t wise; just fun.” She would have laughed, but her still swollen lips were stolen in a hard kiss.
He wasn’t distracted long.
Marian look back, to where Guy lay, fast asleep at their side.
Her hand found Robin’s under the blanket, as she curled up to Guy. “Trust me.”
There was silence, and then- “I do”- quiet and sure.