Title: Birds and Flies
straitjackitCharacters: Allan
Challenge: Week 26, Challenge B: Word of the Week
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for season 2x01 (from what I can gather from episode summaries), speculation for season 2, alluded character death. I’ve been having an off day. I'm not usually this weird... Honest.
This was his last sunrise.
He didn’t know why he was surprised. He had betrayed his friends, his misfit family for little more than his own hide.
Had it not been his idea to leave in the first place? To escape the life of an outlaw and see if, perhaps, he could live for himself; the way he had done once before?
And here he was, in some deserted part of the woods, a guard with an axe ready to mutilate him; his only hope the rustle of bushes and a well placed arrow to save more than a hand.