Mar 28, 2008 14:58
"Robin - this is a courtesy alert by Sexiest Person Contest.
Someone bumped you down the ranking. They think you are 'so so...'. (sorry, we don't share who - due to our privacy policy)
Click HERE to see what happened and where you stand
The Sexiest Person Contest Team"
I clicked and found that I ranked #45. Not bad what. Maybe I have a lot of hot friends and compared to them, I really am just "so-so". This Facebook application is funny. Am I supposed to feel bad now?
In other news, I've completed one full week, i.e. 5 mornings at Jia 88.3. It's been really great so far. No problem at all getting up at 5.30 in the morning and getting to work. In fact, today I woke up and two seconds later, the alarm went off! The three hours of my shift went by in the blink of an eye and before I knew it, it was the weekend! Kay and Youyi are great fun to work with, and I'm not just saying that because I know they'd be reading this! They've been awfully sweet, bringing me coffee and doing their best to make me feel comfortable. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
As for the actual being-on-air experience, I'm still trying to balance speaking in English and in Mandarin. I'm supposed to speak mostly in English but being able to speak Mandarin sometimes is great. I'm really getting a kick out of it. Must remember to get an English-Chinese dictionary so I can expand my Chinese vocabulary.
Waking up early and finishing work early, there's a great advantage: you have the rest of the day to do whatever with, and what a lot of whatever you can do! I go to the gym, shop, and even help Jermyn out with whatever I can at Paprika in KL. The funny thing is, I find myself just as impatient and hot-tempered over here as I did when I was in the office in KL! Cursing and swearing at the clients and their unreasonable/stupid demands, it's a good thing only Jermyn can hear me or see what I type.
I'm trying get back into the swing of things when it comes to blogging but it's proving to be a little difficult. Well, practice makes perfect, so I should force myself to do it. I promise I'll get better.