Book Reports (61-64) ...

Apr 23, 2021 20:51

Because I've had trouble keeping up with my reading, I'm going to change my book report style a bit. Now I'm aiming to write reviews on Goodreads and simply post the link here. But I'm also going to change my star system:

* = Just not for me
** = Interesting premise but not engaging enough to complete
*** = Okay; didn't love but liked enough to finish (or at least skim)
**** = Good; liked the writing style and/or the plot enough to stick with it
***** = Loved; will definitely keep and/or re-read

Inside Affair, by Elle Frank -- m/m contemporary drama -- Xander, a news anchor, has a stalker, and when the stalker's attentions escalate, he has to hire a bodyguard; enter Sean, Xander's best friend's older brother (a detective), who agrees to be the bodyguard and pretend to be Xander's boyfriend to keep it secret ... but what happens when Sean, who's always thought he was straight, falls for his client?

Headstrong, by Eden Finley -- m/m romance -- Whit has finally come out to his college hockey team and wants to get rid of his virginity; he visits a gay bar and runs headlong (literally) into Rainn, a straight bartender, but Rainn finds himself feeling sorry for Whit, even though he's done everything he can to avoid hockey and hockey players since his own career-ending injury years before ... and somehow these two manage a friendship which might become more.

Winter Waites, by Lucy Lennox -- m/m contemporary romance -- Gentry sings about his one true love, even though he hasn't met him yet, but one night, he spots a man in the crowd who captures his attention (and his imagination); then, a day later, that man (Winter) walks into his rented cabin to help him with his hand injury, and the rest is history.

Flight, by Laura Griffin -- adult romantic suspense/mystery -- Miranda, a retired forensic photographer, is taking pictures for a new nature book when she discovers two dead bodies artfully staged in a canoe (one holding a rare bird's feather); when a local detective Joel asks for her help (eventually requesting her to officially join their staff), she finds herself ensnared by the mystery and the desire to find the truth.

books reports, romantic suspense, mystery, m/m

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