Book Reports (20-22) ...

Mar 03, 2020 17:52

Because I've had trouble keeping up with my reading, I'm going to change my book report style a bit. Now I'm aiming to write reviews on Goodreads and simply post the link here. But I'm also going to change my star system:

* = Just not for me
** = Interesting premise but not engaging enough to complete
*** = Okay; didn't love but liked enough to finish (or at least skim)
**** = Good; liked the writing style and/or the plot enough to stick with it
***** = Loved; will definitely keep and/or re-read

Fall Through Spring, by Amy Lane -- adult male/male contemporary (romance) -- the story of how Dane and Carpenter (from Winter Ball) find their HEA

Scammed, by Kristin Simmons -- YA mystery (based loosely on Norse mythology) -- the second of a trilogy about a group of students who are 'recruited' for their abilities as con artists

The Music of What Happens, by Bill Konigsberg -- YA male/male contemporary -- a story of two boys who learn to love and accept one another through their various challenges

ya, glbt, book reports, adult

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