Robert Rodriguez had four sons, and he named them Rocket, Racer, Rebel, and Rogue.
That's fucking badass.
Then he had a daughter, and he named her Rhiannon.
WHAT THE FUCK. How much is he TRYING to make his girl the uncool one in the family? His sons get to be a cartoon teenage crimefighting team and his daughter gets named after a Fleetwood Mac song?1 BULLSHIT.
Regina thought that maybe they had run out of good ideas, but I think Razor would be a fine name for a daughter in that family. I came up with that in thirty seconds. They had nine months.
1So before you whine at me, I am aware (or, I just became aware) that Rhiannon is a Welsh goddess. But her
myth doesn't really paint her as a badass. The only agency she has is to reject a suitor, her only feminism is calling bullshit on playing hard-to-get. Moreover, I think we're supposed to admire her for giving up her godly power for human love even though the guy she gives it all up for makes her act like a horse for years for punishment for a crime she didn't commit. It's actually kind of buh-worthy, through and through. And even if Rhiannon WERE a badass Welsh godess of awesome, no one knows that, and it isn't like Rocket is going to have to go around explaining why his name is awesome.